In The Seat Filler, Derrick (Martin) is a struggling law student who takes a job as an award show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jhnelle (Rowland), who mistakes him for a well-known industry executive. With an instant chemistry, the unlikely pair begin to date. But Derrick must scale creative heights to keep up the charade. When the couple begins to fall for each other, Derrick must chose between his conscience and the love of his life.
General Info
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Rating: PG-13
Complete: 2004
Release Date: July 20, 2005
Duration: 90 Minutes
Director: Nick Castle
Writer: Mark Brown, Duane Martin, and Tisha Campbell-Martin
Cast: Â Duane Martin, Kelly Rowland and DeRay Davis
Executive Producers: Christine Crokos, Michael LaFetra, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Will Smith
Producers: Nia Hill, Sharida Johka, Duane Martin, D’Angela Steed
Line Producer: Frank R. Gardner
Production Companies:Seat Filler Productions, Shake Martin Films, Strange Fruit Films
Distribution Companies: The Momentum Experience, DEJ Productions, Magnolia Home Entertainment
Other Companies: Chapman/ Leonard Studio Equipment, Hollywood Caters, IndieClear, Prime Casting, IO Films
Alexander, Adrienne. The Fly Wire, August 8, 2005.†Web. 31, May 2012. Link
Cullum, Brett. “ The Seat Filler.†DVD Verdict, March 6, 2006. Web. 26, June   2012 Link
Johnson, Lashonda. “ The Seat Filler.†The Movie Film Review, June 23, 2010. Web.    31, May 2012. Link
Leo, Vince. “ The Seat Filler.†Qwipster’s Movie Review,  2006. Web. 31, May 2012 Link
MacLean, Doug. “ The Seat Filler.†Celebrity Wonder, 2011. Web. 31, May 2012.Link
Derrick. “The Seat Filler.†The Ferguson Theater, April 6, 2011. Web. 26, June 2012. Link
“Kelly Rowland- The Seat Filler.†Tribevibes, January 21, 2012. Web. 26, June 2012.Link
“Morales, Wilson. “ Catch Kelly Rowland in a Starring Role ‘ The Seat Filler’ on TV.† Black Voices, June 27, 2007. Web. 31, May 2012.  Link